Find the Best Cigna Dietitians in New York City
94% of Nourish patients pay $0 out of pocket!

We accept hundreds of insurance plans in all 50 states

Our team of dietitians can support all areas of your health
Our team of nutritionists are skilled in numerous specialties. Whether your needs revolve around sports, weight loss, a chronic illness, or navigating a pregnancy, our professionals are prepared to provide the right nutritional guidance.

Personalized nutrition planning
We offer virtual one-on-one sessions with dietitians to discuss preventative actions that can be taken to address your health concerns. We educate, assess lifestyle changes, help plan your nutrition, and support our clients toward long-lasting success using personalized nutrition counseling.
Convenient, virtual appointments
Receive the highest quality care wherever you are most comfortable. You get access to your dietitian virtually anytime, anywhere. No more driving to appointments. No more waiting around.
Avoiding future complications
The payoff you’ll see for adjusting your lifestyle with nutrition counseling will be tremendous for your health. You’re less likely to suffer from a heart condition, kidney failure, and other serious conditions with the proper discipline and determination that we help provide.
Does my insurance cover nutrition counseling?
Enter your insurance details to see if you’re covered. 94% of Nourish patients pay $0 out of pocket!