Eating Disorder Support Covered by Insurance

Regardless of where you are in your ED journey, we have experienced dietitians ready to help support you. 94% of patients pay $0 out of pocket.

We accept hundreds of insurance plans in all 50 states

Nourish Conditions Solutions

How it Works

Nourish Conditions Tell Us

1. Tell us about yourself

Let us know what your goals are and we’ll find the right dietitian for you.

A calendar icon with a timer.

2. Get convenient care

Use telehealth to meet with your registered dietitian wherever you are.

Nourish Conditions Use Your Insurance

3. Use your insurance

All dietitians are in-network. Relax and focus on your health.

Get started today

Success stories

See what people have to say about working with a dietitian
through Nourish.

"My nutritionist is thoughtful, cares a lot, remembers my situation, and is super professional!!"

23, Fort Worth, Texas

"The session was educational and I felt like we made good progress on steps I can be taking to improve my digestion/overall nutrition."

19, Los Angeles, CA

"I felt like she was truly listening instead of trying to give me a quick fix and she made sure I was comfortable moving forward instead of feeling forced."

40, San Francisco, CA

"I had no idea how much I need to "unpack" regarding my relationship with food."

25, San Diego, CA

"I am getting my emotional eating under control without weighing or measuring. "

62, Fort Worth, TX

"She has helped me every step of the way throughout my pregnancy and I'm so grateful for her guidance and support. Nutritionist appointments through Nourish have made all the difference in this pregnancy compared to my last pregnancy and I can't recommend it enough to all the moms I know. "

35, Queens, NY

The session was educational and I felt like we made good progress on steps I can be taking to improve my digestion/overall nutrition. The pace feels manageable and flexible/not overwhelming so I feel like I can accomplish the goals we've set

Lauren was extremely kind and thoughtful when speaking to me. I felt like she was truly listening instead of trying to give me a quick fix and she made sure I was comfortable moving forward instead of feeling forced.

Lauren is absolutely amazing at her job. I've been in and out of therapy for most of my life and she has made some MIND BLOWING connections for me. I had no idea how much I need to "unpack" regarding my relationship to food. I don't have an eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia, so it never occurred to me that it could be having a major impact on my thinking (depression and anxiety), cognitive functioning at work and at home (fuzzy, confused, negative self- talk).

I am getting my emotional eating under control without weighing or measuring. I feel great. My nutritionist gives me personalized advice.

Kaela has listened to all of my needs and concerns and has provided the utmost care and fact based recommendations. She has helped me every step of the way throughout my pregnancy and I'm so grateful for her guidance and support. Nutritionist appointments through Nourish has made all the difference in this pregnancy compared to my last pregnancy and I can't recommend it enough to all the moms I know. I'm excited to see how nutrition improves my second postpartum and breastfeeding journey with Kaela's guidance.

My dietician is very knowledgeable, gives great tips (especially the dialed in/more minor ones), and helps guide an intuitive approach to food. I really appreciate our conversations and this is exactly the kind of support I was looking for. I'm so glad I've found it.

Elizabeth is a fabulous, knowledgeable, down to earth person! I was so unsure of how I'd feel after my first appointment, but Nourish's ability to match you with your ideal nutritionist for your specific needs is so accurate it was an almost perfect pairing!

It is not like any other place I have tried before. I feel seen and heard by my dietician. I am not just a number on the scale. My dietician takes into consideration so many things that are not even related to my weight which I had never even realized myself were contributing to my health. She has been kind and supportive. I couldn't be happier.

I find the meetings with Ruth to be very on target with my goals. She encourages me and moves me forward, gently with a good understanding of my goals.

I have literally the best dietitian. I’ve already recommended her to a friend

I really think my diet has improved and the help is very personalized. With my dietician's help I have been able to expand my diet.

My dietitian, Katie, is awesome. She has been very helpful and supportive and I feel like I have a better understanding of what I need to be eating. She's given me excellent suggestions and has taken the time to do a pretty deep analysis of my food log.

When I first met with a Nourish dietitian, I was expecting the same treatment as usual. Any specialist I had met told me to just not eat certain foods, have a structured meal plan, and my problems would go away. All the recommendations felt so generic, and I was incredibly tired of hearing that my only option was to eat only a few ‘clean’ foods for the rest of my life. Instead, my dietitian listened to my whole history and all the issues that I was experiencing, then worked together with me to develop our plan of attack. I was tired of having the same experience over and over again - I needed someone who would actually improve my life and found that here.

He's making changes based on Taylor's suggestions and encouragement that are helping lower his A1C.  Due to the dietitian's instruction on nutrition, he is now reading food labels, making smarter choices, and is consistently monitoring his blood glucose levels.

When I first met with a Nourish dietitian, I was expecting the same treatment as usual. Any specialist I had met told me to just not eat certain foods, have a structured meal plan, and my problems would go away. All the recommendations felt so generic, and I was incredibly tired of hearing that my only option was to eat only a few ‘clean’ foods for the rest of my life. Instead, my dietitian listened to my whole history and all the issues that I was experiencing, then worked together with me to develop our plan of attack. I was tired of having the same experience over and over again - I needed someone who would actually improve my life and found that here.

Since that first meeting, my dietitian has completely changed my view around food. I’ve been able to work with her to find out what food, patterns, and other factors influence my stomach pain.

Every dietitian I had used prior had just given me suggestions on what to change, with no real plan or guide for how to implement the changes. My Nourish dietitian is the first one who has actually helped guide me through a true lifestyle change, and has been supportive and by my side every step of the way. Now, I virtually never have stomach pain, and on top of that, I have a much healthier and well-rounded mindset towards food in general.

Before I started with Nourish, diabetes was seriously hurting my entire life. My A1C was much higher than I was hoping and it was creating stress and pain. I really did not feel like myself, so I was desperate to find a solution that worked for me. Luckily, I found Nourish online and was able to get the perfect dietitian that would work for my specific situation.

From day 1, Nourish helped turn my life around. Yes, my dietitian was incredibly knowledgable about type 2 diabetes, but more importantly, she also took a big interest in my whole life. She helped me better understand my own diagnosis and where that fit into my overall nutritional journey. We worked together to create a clear path forward that made sense for me. It was the first time in my life that I truly felt like I understood my diabetes, and it has had a lasting impact on my mental wellness.

I am so thankful that my dietitian was able to help me in such an impactful way. I’ve already seen my A1C drop 3 points, but perhaps most importantly, I am starting to finally like I am in control. Without Nourish, I know I’d still be feeling completely physically and emotionally drained. I have felt so much better mentally and physically since I started seeing a dietitian with Nourish.

The part of her care team that my daughter Becca always struggled with the most was her dietitian, because that was the one member who was forcing the most change. That’s why I was so thrilled when Becca actually came to me about a new RD that she had seen on instagram - I thought there may finally be an opportunity for Becca to connect with her dietitian.

Immediately, things were much easier at Nourish than our experiences elsewhere. Our dietitian was able to find a time that worked within Becca’s difficult schedule. With sports, school, friends, and all her other extracurriculars, it can often be hard to fit important appointments in, but with Nourish it was easy.

There was an immediate impact. She’s been feeling better, which I’ve had the opportunity to hear both from her and from her dietitian because Nourish involves the parents in their own sessions, too. Her improvement in health has led to her getting a lot of her confidence back, and I have finally been able to see her happy again. It feels like such a relief to watch my happy girl back with her friends.

My daughter Julia had been going to a psychiatrist to deal with her disordered eating, and the topic of getting a dietitian had come up. I was completely desperate to help her in any way I could, so I jumped at the opportunity and was connected with Nourish by her psychiatrist.

Immediately, the dietitian connected on a teenage-level with my daughter, which I think has been crucial for my daughter’s recovery. She was incredibly kind and really engaged with Julia, which I know can be difficult at times with teenagers. Our dietitian went above and beyond to 'meet Julia where she was at’ - going so far as to adjust appointment times to align with Julia's school schedule, and being flexible with any goals or strategies she set with Julia so that Julia could accomplish them while still getting to experience a ‘normal’ teenage life. I could finally start to see Julia turn a corner, and seeing the hope in her eyes finally return was incredible for me to watch.

I have appreciated how much I am kept in the loop by Julia's dietitian. We finally have someone helping both of us deal with the nutrition challenges that she is constantly facing. My daughter went from eating basically nothing to having 3 meals and 4 snacks a day consistently. So much of her pain is gone, and that is all thanks to our dietitian. I highly recommend anyone looking for a guiding and supportive figure in their child’s life get a Nourish dietitian.

My dietitian has been with me every step of the way the last year and a half as I have battled my eating disorder and countless other health issues that I have. Oftentimes, my doctor or other health care professionals will only focus on the problem that they are treating me for, but my dietitian has really considered everything about my health and life when determining the best path forward for my treatment.

Having an eating disorder can be really complicated, and sometimes other doctors do not understand exactly what I am going through. They’ll ask me questions or prescribe treatment plans that go completely against all the progress I’ve been able to make with my eating disorder. Every time I have had an issue, my dietitian has been there to speak with my doctors to ensure I am getting the best treatment across the board.

I finally feel like I have a champion who believes in me, and my dietitian believing in me has allowed me to believe in myself. The progress I’ve made in 18 months is more than I could have imagined, and I cannot wait to continue my journey with Nourish.

I have had a long battle with my eating disorder, with time spent with dietitians in both residential and outpatient care. I had felt like I was at a pretty good place in my recovery, but then during Covid everything took a turn for the worse. I was quickly slipping back into some of my bad habits. I was stuck in an overly structured recovery program and I needed to find a new approach that worked for me.

After reading up on Nourish, I realized that it was the perfect fit for me - it wasn’t just a one-size-fits-all approach. My dietitian was exactly what I needed to finally start to feel more confident in my ED recovery progress. She has been incredibly compassionate and supportive throughout our time together. She knows about my unique battle with ED, and takes into account my personal preferences in every meeting we have together. She also never judges me for anything I say or do and makes sure I view our sessions together as a safe and supportive space to open up.

I know not every day will be easy, but since starting with Nourish I’ve had more wins than I can ever remember having before. I feel confident that I’ve found the right match to always support me when I struggle, and ultimately help me overcome my battle with ED. I never imagined I would be in such a good place and am finally so excited to see where the future takes me!

How a Nourish dietitian can help manage Eating Disorders

Personalized nutrition planning

We offer virtual one-on-one sessions with dietitians to discuss preventative actions that can be taken to address your health concerns. We educate, assess lifestyle changes, help plan your nutrition, and support our clients toward long-lasting success using personalized nutrition counseling.

Convenient, virtual appointments

Receive the highest quality care wherever you are most comfortable. You get access to your dietitian virtually anytime, anywhere. No more driving to appointments. No more waiting around.

Avoiding future complications

The payoff you’ll see for adjusting your lifestyle with nutrition counseling will be tremendous for your health. You’re less likely to experience serious health conditions with the proper discipline and determination that we help provide.

Find a Eating Disorders dietitian covered by insurance

Eating disorders
Gut health
Heart health
Weight concerns
Women’s health
Thyroid disorders
Blue Cross Blue Shield
United Healthcare
Hi, there! I am registered dietitian and certified diabetes care and education specialist. I have extensive experience working in the field of endocrinology and have special interests in type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). While diabetes and insulin resistance are my "bread and butter," I work with a variety of other conditions as well. Whether you are trying to figure out what foods to eat to preserve your kidney function, trying to reverse the progression of fatty liver, trying to improve your cholesterol values, or simply trying to learn more about nutrition and improve your relationship with food, I am here to help!
I like to conduct nutrition therapy using a weight neutral approach, however; I can be flexible with my approach depending on your individual goals and health conditions.
We will spend the first session getting to know each other. We will review your goals, medical history, any recent lab work, lifestyle factors, and typical eating patterns. I love reviewing lab work, so please feel free to upload a copy of your labs to the portal for me to review prior to/during your appointment.
My hobby is enjoying the simple things in life. I love listening to music and podcasts, enjoying a cup of coffee on my porch (when weather permits), drinking a glass of wine with my best friend, eating dinner with my parents on Sundays, and snuggling with my cats at the end of each day.
Bachelors of Science in Nutrition from Mansfield University of Pennsylvania (2018); Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition from University at Buffalo (2020); Doctorate in Health Science from East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (in progress)
, Pennsylvania

Amie Gross

Eating disorders
Gut health
Heart health
Weight concerns
Women’s health
Thyroid disorders
Blue Cross Blue Shield
United Healthcare
Jessica has been a Registered Dietitian for over 16 years. She has a Doctorate in Clinical Nutrition, but is not only about the research, she enjoys exploring current nutrition trends, and how to find a balance. She enjoys traveling and trying local foods wherever she goes.
Jessica loves to learn all she can about her clients. She believes the most important part when setting goals with clients is to make sure they will fit into their lives. Small changes can yield big results. She believes in the mind body connection and we eat for lots of different reasons and it is important to explore those. She thinks outside of the box and loves to get creative when setting goals.
Jessica loves to start the session with telling me a little bit about what brings you to see me and what can I hopefully help you do. She loves to be a partner in your journey in health and wellness.
Dogs, exploring new restaurants, travel, trying different workouts
Jessica has a Doctorate of Clinical Nutrition from Rutgers University. She has a Masters of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences from University of Central Arkansas. She has a bachelor's in business and marketing from University of Arkansas at Little Rock and finds food marketing fascinating.
Nashville , Tennessee

Jessica Bennett

Eating disorders
Gut health
Heart health
Weight concerns
Women’s health
Thyroid disorders
Blue Cross Blue Shield
United Healthcare
Ana has over 8 years of experience as a registered dietitian, primarily focused on eating disorders and glucose management. She has worked in all levels of care for those with eating disorders and has a certification in iMove to help those that struggle with compulsive exercise.
Ana believes in a non-diet approach, treating each client as an individual to best support them and their goals. Primary focuses are on incorporating balance, variety, and flexibility within your meals and life. Ana works alongside you to set goals that feel manageable and sustainable for you to help you succeed, providing education and tools along the journey.
In your first session, you will get to know each other through a casual, fun conversation with a bit of humor included. Ana works to learn about your current and past relationships with food and movement, and you will work collaboratively to find a treatment plan tailored to you and your unique lifestyle.
Golfing, Reading, Being Outside, Traveling
Masters Degree, Nutrition and Dietetics, Washington State University Bachelors of Science, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, Washington State University
Phoenix , Arizona

Analeis Masters

Eating disorders
Gut health
Heart health
Weight concerns
Women’s health
Thyroid disorders
Blue Cross Blue Shield
United Healthcare
Hi there! I'm Kelly, a registered dietitian with over ten years experience promoting wellness and treating chronic conditions, especially diabetes and prediabetes. When I'm not helping people fuel their bodies right, you'll catch me knee deep in homesteading adventures - getting dirty in the garden, tending to my animal crew, and finding novel ways to live off the land.
As a real food focused dietitian, my purpose is to guide individuals on the path to wellness by harnessing the incredible potential of nature's bounty, fostering self-sufficiency, and reducing reliance on the modern medical system. My approach to care is patient-centered and collaborative -- it's all about you! I’m here to support your wellness journey through personalized and tailored conversations and strategies that resonate with your unique needs, values, and goals.
In our first session, I'll be learning a lot about you! I'll be asking about your health, nutrition, lifestyle, and goals to complete a thorough nutrition assessment and lay the foundation for your personalized care. As a team, we'll explore your goals and develop practical, realistic strategies to achieve them. I'll provide some initial nutrition education to empower you with the information you need to make informed choices and suggestions for first steps you can start implementing right away. By the end of the session, you'll have a clear understanding of your goals, personalized strategies to achieve them, and motivation to embark on your health journey.
Homesteading, gardening, cooking, preserving, animals. PC video games are my favorite entertainment and guilty pleasure!
Master of Science from University of Arizona; Bachelor of Science in Dietetics from California State University, Sacramento
Pine Grove, California

Kelly Sea

Eating disorders
Gut health
Heart health
Weight concerns
Women’s health
Thyroid disorders
Blue Cross Blue Shield
United Healthcare
Kim is a dedicated Registered Dietitian with a Masters Degree in Human Nutrition and a strong desire to help others achieve their health and nutrition goals. She has experience using medical nutrition therapy to treat a range of health concerns for people of all ages. Her career began in the adult hospital setting where she helped patients with a variety of conditions (cancer, diabetes, GI disorders, heart disease, kidney disease, etc). She then took her skills to a pediatric hospital where she worked with the tiniest of patients with some of the most precarious nutrition concerns. She is an expert in pediatric nutrition and passionate about maternal, infant, child and adolescent health.
Kim is a huge proponent of individualized nutrition care and realistic, “non-diet” approaches to meet nutrition goals. She takes a weight-neutral approach to nutrition with an emphasis on overall health, lifestyle and balanced eating. She uses science and evidenced-based practices to develop nutrition plans that are practical and tailored to the needs of her patients. As a busy mom herself, Kim understands the complexities of eating well and balancing all that life throws at us on a day-to-day basis.
You can expect a relaxed, supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere. The goal for a first session is to get to know you. Kim will ask about your lifestyle, nutrition history, current eating patterns, medical history and most importantly, what you hope to achieve from a health and nutrition perspective.
MS in Human Nutrition
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Kimberly Blume

Eating disorders
Gut health
Heart health
Weight concerns
Women’s health
Thyroid disorders
Blue Cross Blue Shield
United Healthcare
Teresa's initial background was in education, and has since become a Registered Dietitian with a Master's Degree in Human Nutrition. She has spent the last 3+ years working with people with eating disorders at higher levels of care including Residential, PHP, and IOP. Teresa is a HAES-informed dietitian with a strong anti-diet, weight inclusive, body neutral philosophy. Teresa provides evidence-based nutrition science to help educate and empower patients to meet their goals.
Recipe for Teresa's Approach: Start with a base of weight inclusivity and person-centered care Handful of evidence based best practice Heaping cup of education A smidge of curiosity A dash of humor And top with Compassion and understanding
In your first session with Teresa, she will spend time getting to know you and understanding your journey with recovery up to this point. Teresa will conduct a thorough nutrition assessment discussing your medical history, prescription medications, supplement use, labs, current nutrition philosophy, etc. She will also talk to you about what you have tried in the past, what worked, what didn't, and collaborate with you to create realistic goals moving forward.
Reading, Snuggling with Frankie (my sweet pup), Crafting
Masters in Human Nutrition and Dietetic Internship from Winthrop University
Charlotte, North Carolina

Teresa Ramalho

Eating disorders
Gut health
Heart health
Weight concerns
Women’s health
Thyroid disorders
Blue Cross Blue Shield
United Healthcare
Amy is a dietitian with a multitude of experiences, skills, and specialities. She has expertise working with individuals with eating disorders as well as a breadth of knowledge regarding vegan/vegetarian diets, diabetes, heart health, and gastrointestinal conditions. Amy has worked with adolescents and adults.
Amy has an "all foods fit" philosophy. She believes nutrition should be a way to enhance your life, not something that feels like a prison sentence. She understands that restrictive diets rarely work, but that sustainable changes can make huge differences!
In your first session you can expect to have an engaging, comfortable conversation regarding your lifestyle, current nutrition practices, and health goals. There will also be time to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.
Running, hiking, cycling, trying new restaurants, traveling
Bachelors of Science in Dietetics from Bowling Green State University, Dietetic Internship through Priority Nutrition Care Distance Dietetic Internship
Toledo, Ohio

Amy Good

Eating disorders
Gut health
Heart health
Weight concerns
Women’s health
Thyroid disorders
Blue Cross Blue Shield
United Healthcare
Rachael Martin is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with 30 years experience assisting patients with a variety of nutritional concerns. Her primary specialty is with Eating Disorders, Body Image, and Weight Management/Obesity. Rachael is a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist through IAEDP. Other areas of practice are Vegetarianism/Plant Based Eating, Diabetes, Mental Health Nutrition, and Gut Health.
Rachael Martin has a philosophy of problem solving through a team approach. She believes in patient-centered nutrition counseling. Her aim is to listen well to the needs and interests of a patient, to meet the patient where they are, and to help them move toward desired nutritional goals and outcomes.
In the first session, Rachael and the patient will get to know one another. She and the patient will talk through the patient's concerns and reasons for meeting with a Dietitian. A Patient History will be taken which includes items such has relationship with food, past eating or food-related issues, current goals and plans for the future.
Cooking and recipe creation, Cake decorating, Crafting
Master of Science in Dietetics, University Of Arizona
Huntsville, Alabama

Rachael Martin

Eating disorders
Gut health
Heart health
Weight concerns
Women’s health
Thyroid disorders
Blue Cross Blue Shield
United Healthcare
Alma is a bilingual Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with over 15 years of professional experience. She has counseled hundreds of patients and clients in the fields of maternal and infant health, lactation, and diabetes management. Alma has also taught many nutrition and healthy lifestyle courses in both languages English and Spanish. Her passion is to empower women and families so they can feel confident, trust their journey and enjoy the life changing benefits of better health through nutrition and lifestyle.
Alma specializes in diabetes care and education, specifically Gestational diabetes and Type 2 diabetes mellitus. She works with women across the lifespan from pregnancy to menopause, who want to find a middle ground in their health and nutrition journey, while breaking free from fad dieting trends so they can feel strong, nourished and confident without counting calories or giving up their traditional favorite foods. With a personalized approach, she inspires clients to master meal planning and mindful eating so they can manage their blood sugar while enjoying the food and lifestyle they love.
During your first session, Alma will take the time to get to know you, and understand your values, preferences, personal goals, lifestyle and motivations. She will work on completing an assessment to gather full understanding of your medical and nutrition history, so you can together develop an individualized plan that best fits your needs.
Hiking, yoga, cooking, live music and spending time with family and friends
Bachelor of Science
Delaware, Ohio

Alma Simmons

Eating disorders
Gut health
Heart health
Weight concerns
Women’s health
Thyroid disorders
Blue Cross Blue Shield
United Healthcare
Morgan is a Registered Dietitian with nearly eight years of experience working in the clinical, outpatient, and public health settings. She is passionate about fostering optimal health and wellness through evidence-based nutrition guidance. Morgan has honed a unique skill set that revolves around patient-centric care, attentive listening, and impactful nutrition education.
Morgan believes that food and nutrition is meant to be fun and enjoyable, all while fueling your body to feel your best. At the heart of her practice lies a deep commitment to patient care. Recognizing that each individual's nutritional needs are profoundly personal, Morgan prioritizes an approach that considers not only dietary requirements but also lifestyle, preferences, and overall health goals. Morgan does not want you to feel stressed or overwhelmed when it comes to nutrition, so she's going to help you by starting with simple changes and growing from there. Morgan particularly enjoys counseling on diabetes, heart health, pre and post-natal nutrition, and prevention of disease.
In the initial meeting with Morgan, she will spend time getting to know you, your past medical history, your routine and lifestyle, amongst other things by asking questions and simply hearing from you! She hopes to dive deeper into nutrition education and your nutrition goals in the sessions to come.
Morgan enjoys spending time with her miniature dachshund (Jack), attending sporting events, traveling to the beach, and cooking with her husband! Don't be surprised if Jack makes an appearance in your session.
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Mississippi | Master of Science in Nutrition Science from the University of Alabama at Birmingham
Auburn, Alabama

Morgan Sikes


We’ve got answers.

Still deciding if we’re right for you? These frequently asked questions may help.

What is Nourish?
What is a registered dietitian? Why should I see a dietitian?
Are dietitians the same thing as nutritionists?
Will my insurance cover my sessions?
How many appointments will I need?
Do providers at Nourish work with children?
Do any of your dietitians speak Spanish?
Which states can you see patients in?
I need help picking a dietitian that best fits my needs
I was referred to Nourish by my doctor, what are the next steps?
I found a dietitian that fits my needs but they’re fully booked, what do I do?
I’m interested in seeing a specific dietitian but after I entered my state, they are no longer able to be booked.
How do I know which dietitian is right for me?
How do I book an appointment?
How do I check for dietitians who speak my language?