Key Takeaways
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common digestive condition that can include symptoms of bloating, indigestion, cramping, and changes to stool frequency.
- An IBS flare-up is when you suddenly experience an increase in symptoms, which can be painful and uncomfortable.
- Without expert guidance, it can be challenging to identify what triggers a flare-up. Working with an IBS dietitian can help.
An irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptom flare-up, sometimes just called an IBS flare-up, is when your symptoms suddenly worsen.
The intensity of a flare-up varies based on your IBS and gut sensitivity.
During an active flare-up, most people experience a sudden onset of cramping, bloating, bathroom urgency, loose bowel movements, and abdominal pain.
To help your digestive system heal, focus on behaviors and lifestyle factors you can control, such as your dietary choices and managing your stress levels.
In this article, you’ll learn strategies to help you manage an IBS flare-up, understand which foods to avoid during a flare-up, and get tips on decreasing the chances of a second attack.
What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
IBS is a group of symptoms related to your gut and bowel health. It can feel similar to inflammatory bowel disease because the symptoms overlap, but the treatment is very different.
People with IBS may experience abdominal pain after eating, increased gas production, bloating, and changes in bowel habits. Some people become constipated, while others are more prone to diarrhea.
Researchers have identified several factors that might cause IBS:
- Unbalanced gut microbiome: Billions of bacteria in your digestive system work together to keep you healthy. If the bacteria levels shift, you can develop IBS.
- Unmanaged high-stress levels: Stress can deplete the healthy bacteria in your gut, contributing to an unbalanced microbiome.
- Intestine permeability: Germs and bacteria can pass through permeable tissues in your digestive tract, resulting in IBS symptoms.
- Brain-gut interactions: Stress, depression, and anxiety compound each other and deplete the presence of health-promoting gut bacteria.
- State of motility: Motility issues in the digestive tract can contribute to symptoms of IBS.
Managing IBS requires highly individualized care. Treatment options should target physical symptoms and mental health as well.
Examples of interventions include making diet changes, developing regular exercise routines, improving sleep habits, using probiotics and supplements, and learning stress-management techniques.
If you're unsure if you have IBS, consider taking an IBS quiz to evaluate your symptoms.*
*The results of this quiz are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace medical care.
What Is An IBS FlareUp?
An IBS flare-up is an acute scenario where your IBS symptoms have suddenly worsened, or you may develop new, unabating symptoms.
The root cause of a flare-up is still unknown because IBS conditions tend to be highly individualized, and more research is needed.
What Causes An IBS Flare-Up?
Researchers aren’t 100% clear on what causes an IBS flare-up. Possible triggers may include increased mental stress and changes to your stool frequency.
It’s unlikely that a single food will lead to an IBS symptom flare-up, but some research suggests d that caffeinated drinks (especially coffee) can worsen IBS symptoms.
If you’re sensitive to caffeine, you may want to choose decaf options instead, like herbal teas and plain water naturally enhanced with fresh fruit and herbs.
Learn about other best drinks for IBS here.
What Does an IBS Flare Feel Like?
Depending on your IBS, you may feel greater bathroom urgency, diarrhea, more gas and bloat, and even nausea.
How Long Does An IBS Flare-Up Last?
It’s unclear how long an IBS symptom flare-up can last. However, you can take steps to find relief from IBS symptoms quickly. They include:
- Taking antispasmodic medication.
- Trying peppermint oil.
- Practicing mindfulness meditation.
- Trying the low FODMAP approach.
- Using heat to ease muscle cramping.
- Taking a hot bath.
- Drinking warm tea or water.
- Seeking medical treatment.
If your symptoms reach a degree of severity that makes you stop eating, visit the hospital or family doctor for help.
Can a flare last days or weeks?
It’s impossible to predict how long a flare-up will last because IBS symptoms are highly individualized.
A flare-up could last for a few days or weeks if the root cause for the flare-up isn’t addressed, like experiencing ongoing stress or continuing to consume a trigger food or drink.
Have IBS symptoms? Take the IBS quiz understand whether or not you have IBS.
How To Stop an IBS Flare Up
Start by identifying any trigger foods that could make you feel worse during a flare-up.
Many people find it helpful to journal their food intake and write down symptoms after eating.
This data can help you find patterns that link your food and beverage choices to your gut symptoms.
Additionally, consider addressing any recent lifestyle changes—such as an increase in stress levels.
As previously mentioned, stress is directly linked to gut health.
The Canadian Digestive Health Foundation offers these stress-management strategies to help people manage IBS:
- Exercise regularly: This can include a mixture of aerobic exercises and resistance training.
- Practice mind-body connections: Yoga, pilates, and other intentional movement exercises may help relieve stress and promote relaxation.
- Consider cognitive behavior therapy: Research suggests CBT may help manage anxiety surrounding an IBS diagnosis and living with IBS.
- Hypnotherapy: Some people report a decrease in IBS symptoms with regular hypnotherapy.
- Practice self-care: Dedicate time to nurture hobbies, take a bubble bath, or perform rituals that help relax you.
These techniques and strategies may help you manage stress and support your digestive well-being.
Stopping a Flare-Up at Night
You should consider consulting a dietitian if you’re experiencing IBS symptoms flare-up at a specific time of day.
You’ll need to work together to identify possible reasons why you’re experiencing night-time symptoms.
Some suggestions include eating larger meals during the day and lighter meals in the evening.
Also, avoid eating identified trigger foods too late in the day.
There are no official guidelines on how to stop a flare-up at night, and a personalized approach is recommended.
What To Eat During An IBS Flare-Up
A review demonstrated that people with IBS may feel better by eating several small portions throughout the day instead of three large meals with long gaps in between.
You can also try these dietary recommendations:
- Opt for cooked vegetables over raw because soluble fiber is easier to digest.
- Choose plant-based proteins and lean animal products with little to no visible fat.
- Avoid dairy products if you’re lactose intolerant or know it will negatively impact your IBS symptoms.
- Consider starting an omega-3 supplement. It contains healthy fats that may reduce intestinal inflammation and help your gut heal.
- The low FODMAP diet recommends foods with lower levels of fermentable carbohydrates, which results in fewer IBS symptoms. Our free low FODMAP meal plan can help you get started.
One more thing to keep in mind is your hydration status.
Days of frequent bathroom trips and loose stools, such as diarrhea, can increase your risk of dehydration.
Drink plain water throughout the day to ensure you get enough fluid to satisfy your daily needs.
Can Probiotics Help?
Yes, probiotic supplements may help improve IBS symptoms, but you need to take the correct strain and dose.
A dietitian can review your options more in-depth.
Here are some probiotics proven to treat IBS symptoms (data pulled from the US Clinical Guide to Probiotics):
- Activia.
- Align.
- Bio K.
- Genestra Brands.
- UltraFlora.
Immunocompromised people shouldn’t take live probiotics and should speak to their doctor about alternative options.
Fermented foods naturally contain probiotics, but it’s unlikely they can restore your gut microbiome completely.
You can include them after a flare-up to help you maintain a healthy gut in the future.
IBS flare-ups are uncomfortable and can last a few hours or longer.
Possible triggers include a change in diet or stool frequency and increased stress levels.
Making dietary changes may help you manage an IBS symptom flare-up and speed up recovery.
To begin healing, remove trigger foods that aggravate the gut and include gentler options with soluble fiber instead.
You should also limit caffeine intake and avoid carbonated beverages until you feel better. Talk to your care team about adding a probiotic supplement.
Work With an IBS Dietitian
Research has shown that people with IBS improve their gastrointestinal symptoms when they work with a compassionate healthcare provider.
Partner with IBS dietitians at Nourish for help achieving health and wellness through personalized nutrition counseling.
Find a dietitian who accepts insurance through Nourish.
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