Key Takeaways
- Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate that adds bulk to stools, helps with blood sugar control, and nourishes beneficial bacteria in the gut.
- Fiber supplements may improve irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms.
- A registered dietitian can help you build an IBS management plan with appropriate fiber supplements.
Updated by: Sarah Bullard
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common digestive disorder that causes several symptoms simultaneously.
They include a combination of gas, bloating, and changes in bowel habits that can lead to diarrhea or constipation.
A challenging aspect of managing IBS is the unpredictability of the symptoms.
One day, some foods agree with you; the next, they can make your symptoms flare up.
Adequate fiber intake is essential for a healthy gut and helps you stay regular. Fiber food sources include fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains, and legumes.
Unfortunately, some of these foods may not agree with your stomach.
However, a fiber supplement for IBS may be gentler on your digestive system.
Keep reading to learn about six fiber supplements that may help with IBS.
Benefits of Taking a Fiber Supplement for IBS
An IBS management plan involves dietary changes, and taking a fiber supplement may benefit you in several ways.
IBS Symptom Improvement
An extensive review of IBS studies that included over 900 participants found that people who took a fiber supplement had improved IBS symptoms compared to the placebo groups who did not.
More Time To Enjoy Daily Life
Of those with IBS, 60% report that what they eat causes unpleasant side effects and impacts their quality of life.
Dietary changes and fiber supplements can help you improve your quality of life.
Having fewer symptoms allows you to spend more time enjoying daily activities instead of worrying about your bowels.
Improves Stools Without Unpleasant Digestive Symptoms
Fiber supplements can add bulk to stools without the additional digestive symptoms sometimes associated with eating high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains, and legumes.
Like most things related to digestive health, you should tailor your care plan to include an amount of fiber that feels right for you.
Do not start a supplement if you know you can’t tolerate a high-fiber diet.
The Importance Of Fiber If You Have IBS
A large review article from 2020 examined the health benefits of fiber, including individuals with IBS.
The researchers emphasized that a key benefit for IBS is improved gut motility (optimal movement of stool through the stomach and intestines) and constipation prevention.
There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Both are beneficial for individuals with IBS.
Soluble Fiber
Soluble fiber thickens when mixed with water or liquid.
The gel-like texture moves slowly through the gastrointestinal tract and helps bind digested food and waste into solid stool.
The relaxed pace decreases bathroom urgency and can help reduce the chances of diarrhea.
Insoluble Fiber
Insoluble fiber also adds bulk to your stool and helps keep you regular.
You need both fiber types to stay healthy, but most supplements contain soluble ingredients.
Additional health benefits of regularly consuming soluble fiber include better blood sugar control, lowered cholesterol levels, and greater satiety at meals.
It’s encouraging to know that taking a fiber supplement for IBS can positively affect your overall health and help you adjust the type of fiber you consume (insoluble or soluble).
Total Daily Fiber Requirements
The daily fiber intake goal is around 20-38g for all people, including those with IBS.
Most of your fiber should come from food sources—not supplements.
Gradually increasing your intake can help your digestive system adapt to the additional fiber (which can create gas in some people.)
Over time, your body should digest fiber more efficiently, and gas production will decrease.
Types of Fiber Supplements
Supplements include different types of high-fiber ingredients.
To choose the best fiber supplement, consider its solubility, viscosity, and fermentability.
Solubility refers to the ability of the fiber to hold or absorb water.
Most fiber-containing foods include about one-third soluble fiber and two-thirds insoluble fiber.
Soluble fiber has a higher ability to hold water, which, in turn, softens stools due to the water and adds bulk to the stool.
Soluble fiber pulls double duty and helps with constipation and diarrhea.
Insoluble fiber does not hold or absorb water.
However, it does add bulk to stool, speed up movement through the intestines, and may aid in constipation relief.
High intakes of insoluble fiber may worsen symptoms of IBS, especially during a flare-up.
Soluble fiber is further defined by its viscosity (or ability to form a gel-like substance).
This beneficial gel made from soluble fiber moves slower through the gut and keeps the stool softer.
Sources of fiber are categorized as high, intermediate, or non-viscous.
Fermentability is the extent that the fiber is fermented (or digested) by beneficial bacteria in the large intestine.
While this process is beneficial for gut health, certain types of highly fermentable fiber (short-chain FODMAPs) can result in rapid gas production, worsening IBS symptoms.
Viscous, long-chain soluble fiber bypasses absorption in the small intestine and is fermented more easily by beneficial bacteria in the large intestine.
Viscous soluble fiber reduces bloating and discomfort for many with IBS.
Choosing The Right Balance For IBS
It can take time to determine the best fiber supplement for you.
Research demonstrates that long-chain, intermediate viscous, soluble fiber with moderate fermentability is the most effective for improving IBS symptoms.
An example of this type of fiber is psyllium husk, available at most bulk food stores or sold under the popular brand Metamucil.
These fibers are beneficial for IBS because they help grow healthy bacteria colonies.
Enzymes in your gut cleave long-chain fibers into smaller pieces that are easier for your digestive system to break down.
The probiotics (health-promoting bacteria in the digestive tract) multiply and feed off the smaller chains.
Probiotic colonies can dwindle without enough nourishment, and IBS symptoms can worsen.
A fiber supplement can help satisfy your daily requirements.
6 Best Fiber Supplements for IBS
A fiber supplement offers approximately 2-6g of additional fiber per serving.
This fiber contributes to your daily intake, and your dietitian can clarify how much supplement you should take.
1. 4-in-1 Metamucil Fiber
Metamucils 4-in-1 powdered fiber supplement is one of the most popular fiber brands because it is one of the oldest.
The star ingredient in their formula is psyllium husk, which offers a rich source of soluble fiber.
Their classic recipe is orange-flavored, but you can also purchase a berry or sugar-free option.
If you don’t enjoy the gel-like texture of Metamucil powders, you can opt for the capsules.
However, the capsules offer slightly less fiber per serving.
You should choose the product that is easiest for you to take.
2. Webber Naturals Low FODMAP Fiber Supplement
This fiber supplement is unflavored and low FODMAP certified, which can appeal to people with known FODMAP sensitivities.
The key ingredient in their formula is guar gum, a soluble fiber harvested from guar plants.
You can add this powdered supplement to water or use it in baking to boost the fiber content of your dishes.
3. Psyllium Husk by Now
You may prefer this fiber supplement over Metamucil if you like unflavored products.
Psyllium fiber may be too high-fiber for some people.
If you try this product, drink an extra glass of water after taking it to help the fiber move through your digestive tract.
4. Garden of Life Raw Organic Fiber
This supplement contains a blend of soluble and insoluble fibers from sprouted seeds, grains, and legumes.
It's fortified with omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce painful inflammation and preserve probiotics in the gut.
The supplement is flavorless and mixes easily with water.
Like other powdered supplements, it can be added to baked goods, cereals, and smoothies.
Unlike other options, this product has no psyllium husk and may be a gentler alternative.
5. Tomorrow’s Nutrition SunFiber
SunFiber is a silky smooth powdered fiber supplement that’s also low FODMAP certified.
This product has prebiotic properties, meaning it can nourish probiotics in your digestive tract and help them thrive.
This gentle supplement contains guar gum, a soluble fiber source, and is unflavored.
It has a similar formula to the Webber fiber supplement, but this option is slightly less expensive.
6. Citrucel
Citrucel is an orange-flavored powdered fiber supplement suitable for those with IBS.
This supplement contains methylcellulose (a non-fermentable soluble fiber).
The brand also offers capsules for those who prefer not to mix a fiber supplement drink.
Citrucel is gluten-free and non-allergenic.
How Long Does It Take To See Results From Taking Fiber For IBS?
It can take time to see changes in your gut health.
Most research studies referenced in this article observed improvements in IBS symptoms after taking fiber supplements for two to four weeks.
Try to be consistent with fiber supplements for several weeks.
You won’t likely see improvement within a day or two. Your gut will need time to adjust and restore probiotic colonies.
Consider tracking your IBS symptoms before starting the fiber supplement and continuing to track them as you trial it for a few weeks.
Observe any improvements in constipation, diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, abdominal distention, or bloating.
Tracking can help you objectively notice changes and keep you motivated.
Fiber is essential for gut health, digestion, satiety, and overall well-being.
Getting enough fiber through your diet can be challenging, especially if you have a sensitive stomach and can’t tolerate raw fruits and vegetables.
If this sounds like you, consider taking a fiber supplement to help you meet your daily fiber goals.
Many supplements have soluble fibers, and some ingredients are easier to digest than others, especially if you have a sensitive stomach and IBS.
If high-fiber products irritate your stomach, choose a fiber supplement without psyllium husk.
A specialized low FODMAP option may also better suit a sensitive stomach.
Managing IBS with an RD
Working with a registered dietitian specializing in IBS can help improve your symptoms and determine an appropriate fiber supplement.
Here is what you can expect during your first visit:
- An introductory conversation to review your nutrition concerns.
- A food recall to review your current diet and eating behaviors and identify possible food triggers.
- Discuss any other lifestyle factors that could be negatively impacting your IBS.
- Receive nutrition education and learn how to improve IBS symptoms.
- Clearly outline actionable steps for you to complete until your next appointment.
A dietitian can also help you develop behaviors that support overall gut health.
These include stress management techniques, mindfulness practices, and deepening your understanding of the gut-brain relationship.
Find a dietitian near you that accepts insurance using Nourish.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Several different fiber supplements are appropriate for IBS sufferers. If you are sensitive to FODMAPs, you may opt for a brand that uses guar gum, like Webber Naturals Low FODMAP Fiber supplement. You may prefer Metamucil or plain psyllium husk from the brand Now if you can handle higher fiber products.
You may not need to take a fiber supplement if you have IBS. A dietitian can assess your diet and let you know if a fiber supplement can be helpful or not.
Yes, Metamucil can be a good fiber supplement for IBS. Only take the recommended dosage on the package, and remember to drink plenty of water to help keep fiber moving along through the digestive tract.