Why Can't I Lose Weight Quiz

Take this quiz to understand your weight loss motivation and see what your next steps should be!

This quiz does not constitute and should not be relied on for professional medical advice.

Use this calculator to help you determine your ideal fat intake based on your sex, height, weight, activity level, and fitness goal!

How motivated are you to lose weight?
Do you have a specific weight loss goal in mind?
How often do you exercise?
Do you track your food intake (e.g., using an app or food diary)?
How often do you eat processed or fast food?
Do you have a support system (friends, family, groups) to help you with weight loss?
How do you handle stress or emotional challenges?
Do you sleep at least 7-8 hours per night?
Do you drink plenty of water daily (at least 8 cups/2 liters)?
How do you feel about your current weight loss plan or strategy?
You are well-prepared for weight loss. Your motivation, habits, and support system suggest you are ready to take on this challenge. Keep up the good work and stay consistent with your healthy habits. Find a dietitian covered by insurance to help you reach your goals.
You have a good foundation for weight loss but may need to improve consistency in certain areas. Consider making specific goals, tracking your progress, and finding a dietitian covered by insurance to help you stay consistent.
You might face some challenges in your weight loss journey. Focus on increasing your motivation, building healthier habits, and seeking support to help you stay on track. Small changes can lead to significant improvements over time. Find a dietitian covered by insurance and get personalized recommendations.
Consider working on your motivation and addressing any underlying issues that might be affecting your health. Professional guidance from a registered dietitian covered by insurance can be beneficial in creating a plan that works for you.
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Monday, May 1
1:00 PM with Katie Olson
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Losing weight takes time and ongoing commitment to your weight loss plan. If your progress has stagnated and you’re unsure why, try completing our free weight loss quiz. It has eight reflective questions to help you identify potential barriers.

Keep reading to start the quiz and learn how working with a weight loss dietitian can help you achieve your goals.   

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

To lose weight, health authorities recommend that you: 

  1. Improve your diet quality by choosing whole, nutrient-dense foods that support overall health. 
  2. Decrease your energy (calories) intake and increase physical activity and natural movement to create an energy deficit. This tells your body to burn stored fuel (ideally fat instead of precious muscle mass), which may result in weight loss. 
  3. Make realistic weight loss goals and seek expert support from a registered dietitian or board-certified obesity medicine specialist, especially if you manage chronic health conditions.  
  4. Continually monitor your progress using a variety of assessment tools and adjust your weight loss plan as needed. 

You may not lose weight if you consume excess calories that push you out of an energy deficit. This can happen unintentionally, and a dietitian can help you address this. 

It’s also important to know that although an energy deficit sounds straightforward, many variables can make it harder to lose weight. We’ve briefly summarized some of these complex factors below. 

Weight Loss Factors You Can’t Control

Factors that are out of your control and may affect weight loss results include: 

Weight Loss Factors You Can Work With

When trying to lose weight, it’s more beneficial to focus your energy and attention on factors you can modify. Specifically:

  • The quantity and quality of sleep you get each night. 
  • How physically active you are. 
  • The foods and beverages you consume. 
  • How often do you cook at home versus dine out? 
  • Your mental wellness, including healthy coping mechanisms for stress.
  • Smoking or drinking excessively. Addiction is a health condition that might affect these behaviors. Reach out to your healthcare provider if you’re struggling with substance abuse. 

Common Weight Loss Challenges

Following a weight loss plan can be challenging if it isn’t sustainable and doesn’t teach you how to adjust your eating for everyday life, like at birthday parties and celebrations. However, losing weight while enjoying dishes and beverages on these special occasions is possible, and a nutrition expert can teach you how. 

Other potential challenges that can make it harder to lose weight are: 

  • Feeling hungry all the time may be a symptom of an overly restricted meal plan. Not getting enough calories throughout the day can lead to overeating at your next meal (which can push you out of an energy deficit).
  • Eating when you’re bored, sad, happy, angry, etc., instead of eating when you’re physiologically hungry. Emotional eating is normal, but if it’s happening constantly, the behaviors should be addressed by a trained counselor or dietitian. 
  • Feeling bored or unenthusiastic about a meal plan because it doesn’t accommodate energy-dense options, like pizza, desserts, etc. Remember, food is more than just fuel, and eating these items might satisfy you in other ways.
  • Having unaddressed disordered eating behaviors can make it hard to follow a weight loss plan, especially if it conflicts with your deep-seated nutrition beliefs. Fortunately, working with a dietitian can help you heal your relationship with food. 

8-Question Weight Loss Quiz

We’ve created nine questions that might help you better understand why you may not lose weight. We encourage you to follow up with your dietitian if you want personalized support uniquely tailored to fit your needs.   

1. Am I experiencing chronic stress?

Some research suggests that short-term stress can decrease one's appetite, while chronic (or long-term) stress has the opposite effect and raises appetite. Therefore, you may end up overeating and surpassing your daily calorie goals. 

If you’re feeling chronically stressed, consider seeing a mental health care specialist. They can teach you healthy coping skills to help you lower stress levels. 

2. Do I have any underlying medical conditions that may affect my metabolism?

Some health conditions can affect your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight, including several hormonal or endocrine disorders, such as: 

If you have concerns about your metabolism and weight loss efforts, your medical care provider  should assess your concerns. They can suggest evidence-based practices to help you feel your best if a condition is diagnosed. 

3. Am I getting enough quality sleep each night?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults get seven to eight hours of sleep every night. If you’re not getting adequate rest, you may have difficulties losing weight linked to: 

  • Changes in hormone function. 
  • Decreased metabolic rate. 
  • Craving and consuming more energy-dense foods. 

To get better sleep, try to maintain a consistent schedule by going to bed at the same time every day. Also, it might be helpful to create a calming routine before going to sleep, like turning off your phone, reading, meditating, or having a hot bath. 

If you have no issues falling or staying asleep, but are still not feeling well rested, consider an evaluation by a sleep medicine specialist for a condition called obstructive sleep apnea, which is more prevalent at higher body weights. 

4. Do I practice mindful eating techniques?

Mindful eating techniques can help you be more present at meals, which may help you be more aware of your hunger and fullness cues. There isn’t much research that demonstrates mindful eating techniques are essential for weight loss. However, being more aware of your fullness levels after eating may help reduce the chances of overeating

5. Am I consuming hidden calories or overeating on the weekends?

Weekends or days off are supposed to be fun and relaxing, and meals may be less planned than on workdays. During these times, you may eat more decadent foods (especially if you’re attending a party or special outing) and possibly consume more alcohol. 

You don’t need to eliminate these foods to lose weight, but it is important to practice moderation. Your dietitian can support you with this so that you decrease the chances of overeating on your days off. 

6. Do I have a support system to hold you accountable for your weight loss goals?

Having support is a vital part of behavior and lifestyle changes. Your support network can help by: 

  • Helping you cook nutritious meals. 
  • Going grocery shopping together. 
  • Completing physical activity with you. 
  • Sharing delicious recipes that align with your health goals. 
  • Celebrating your achievements. 

Ask your friends and family members to help keep you accountable, or ask your dietitian. 

7. Am I incorporating strength training into my workout routine?

Strength training combined with energy restriction may support weight loss in some people. 

An exercise specialist can help you add strength training to your workout routine. Depending on your preferences and abilities, they may recommend that you start lifting weights, try high-intensity interval training, do pilates, and more. 

8. Do I keep track of your food intake and exercise habits?

It’s not for everyone, but some people may benefit from tracking their food and exercise routine as it helps them stay accountable. Popular options include MyFitnessPal and LoseIt.  

If you want to try these tools, ask your dietitian for more app recommendations. 

How a Dietitian Can Help

If you’ve been trying to lose weight and haven’t seen results, consider working with a registered dietitian. They’re nutrition and metabolic health experts who can teach you how to lose weight through virtual counseling. 

You can ask questions at every appointment, work on goals, and receive unconditional support. You can also download our free Nourish app for additional resources and stay connected with your dietitian between visits. 

Find a dietitian who accepts insurance through Nourish today.